Businesses today are expanding beyond traditional offices and simple transactional tasks.
Digital innovation is creating new leaps in productivity, but at the same time creates new
cybersecurity risks. Attackers, malware, and infected devices that bypass edge security checkpoints often have free access to the network inside. For these reasons, organizations can no longer trust users or devices on or off the network.
Business leaders should assume that every device and every transaction made on the network is a potential compromise in the network.
Assume any user is capable of compromising critical resources, intentionally or inadvertently. A zero-trust strategy shifts the fundamental paradigm of open networks built around inherent trust to one that delivers on the zero-trust principles of: continuous network monitoring, ongoing verification of users and devices, creating groups and access zones for better control and containment, and granting minimal access to users and devices as needed.
Triton Networks Provides:
Network Monitoring Services
Network Security Audits and Compliance Reporting
Managed Firewall Services
VPN and IPSec Configuration and Management
Secure Access Service Edge
Zero Trust Network Security